Sunday, March 22, 2015


I recently started watching the TV Series, Dexter. I usually only stick to comedies that 30 minutes long because of my short attention span but I have made some exceptions and Dexter is one of them. It is a horror of  a series which is up my alley because I am addicted to watching shows on the ID channel which has to do with real life killings. Although Dexter is a serial killer, I can identify with a lot of his personal thoughts. If you watch the show then you will understand this blog entry. I am only on the second season but I can already feel his personal pain. I could never understand the pain of losing a parent to murder but I can understand the pain of losing oneself. Dexter is lost in his pain as am I.

Dexter feels all alone after his foster father passes away because his father was the only one who knew his secret until he found out he had a brother who also knew his secret. His brother passed and Dexter once again was left alone in his pain, in his thoughts. Dexter there is no one out there who would understand and he hides like he was taught to hid. I guess in a way we are all taught to hid who we really are, we are taught to behave our Sunday best.

So who can we turn to? Who do we turn to when all we want to do is scream? All we want to do is run? All we want to do is punch? Who? Who would understand? And even if we can understand each other's pain, will we be sincere with sympathy? Or would we be narcissistic? Are we capable of understanding each other's pain? Or do we just put up a front for every to see, just like Dexter.

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